Major infrastructure projects are uniquely complex and difficult efforts. Whether you are a top-level developer, a general contractor, a lower-tier subcontractor or consultant, we can help you to successfully navigate to completion with our extensive experience in this area. Our lawyers have acted for developers, owners, construction companies, engineers, and consultants on a wide variety of projects with capital expenditures ranging from $40 million to more than $5 billion. We can advise on procurement and strategic considerations as well as contractual matters. Our experience includes:
- Types of Infrastructure: Marine export terminals (LNG, LPG, grain, other commodities), Light Rail Transit (LRT) and other commuter trains, roads, bridges, tunnels, and airports.
- Contract Models: Public-Private Partnerships (P3s), design-builds, design-build-finance, EPC, construction management at risk, as well as traditional construction.
- Phases of Project: Development, strategic analysis, engineering, procurement, construction and operation.
- Procurement: Compliance with procurement requirements, negotiations at preferred proponent stage, and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) and Requests for Proposals (RFP).
- Bidding team arrangements: Teaming agreements, joint venture and partnership agreements, interface agreements, and parent-company guarantees.
- Major contracts: Project Agreements, drop-down construction contracts, design services agreements.